Monday, January 12, 2009

links for latex

Space in LaTeX

pt point (1 in = 72.27 pt)
pc pica (1 pc = 12 pt)
in inch (1 in = 25.4 mm)
bp big point (1 in = 72 bp)
cm centimetre (1 cm = 10 mm)
mm millimetre
dd didot point (1157 dd = 1238 pt)
cc cicero (1 cc = 12 dd)
sp scaled point (65536 sp = 1 pt)

LaTeX will automatically indent paragraphs (with the exception of the first paragraph of a new section). One can prevent LaTeX from indenting a paragraph though by beginning the paragraph with the control sequence \noindent.

Conversely, the control sequence \indent forces LaTeX to indent the paragraph.

%%%%%%% others in MATH mode %%%%%%%%%%%
  • \- LaTeX may hyphenate the word at that point.
  • \; Include a thick space in math mode.
  • \: Include a medium space in math mode.
  • \, Include a thin space in math mode.
  • \! Include a negative thin space in math mode